What is Prostate Cancer Screening?
Prostate Screening Saves Lives!
The risk of developing prostate cancer increases as men age. Ultimately, 1 in 6 men will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime. The largest study to date on cancer screening was recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine. An evaluation of 182,000 men showed that PSA screening reduced the death rate of prostate cancer by 21%. 1
The exact causes of prostate cancer are unknown. Men with a family history of cancer and African-American men are at an increased risk. As men continue to live longer and healthier lives, prostate cancer will likely become a more common problem.
Prostate Cancer Screening – Don’t Delay!
Early detection is the hallmark of the successful treatment of prostate cancer. Usually, there are no warning signs for prostate cancer.
As the cancer progresses, symptoms can be very non-specific and might include a change in your urinary or bowel habits or a new onset of bone pain. Regular physical exams and PSA tests will aid in the earlier diagnosis of prostate cancer. PSA is a simple blood test that can be done in most doctors’ offices or laboratories.
The American Cancer Society recommends that beginning at age 50, all men should have yearly PSA blood tests and physical exams. Men with close relative who has had prostate cancer and African-American men should have yearly exams starting at age 40.
Because of regular screening, the majority of men are now diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early, curable stage. In contrast, 20 years ago, most men were not diagnosed until the cancer had already grown and spread to other parts of the body.
Mon: 6:30am – 5:30pm
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Wed: 6:30am – 5:30pm
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Prostate Cancer Screening Guidelines
(PSA Test and Physical Examination)
- African-American Men: Yearly, starting at 40
- Men with a family history of prostate cancer: Yearly, starting at 40
- All other men: Yearly, starting at 50
Please see attachment(s) at the bottom of this email. SCREENING REDUCES MORTALITY BY 21%1
Early detection is the hallmark of the successful treatment of prostate cancer. Usually, there are no warning signs for prostate cancer. As cancer progresses, symptoms can be very non-specific and might include a change in urinary or bowel habits or a new onset of bone pain. Regular physical exams and PSA blood tests aid in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Prostate Cancer Screening Saves Lives!
1. New England Journal of Medicine 2012
Get a second opinion on your prostate cancer treatment options from Florida Center For Prostate Care, your prostate cancer treatment experts.